Medicine Bag

Welcome to my beloved Medicine Bag.

There is so much that can be listed here, as Great Spirit is abundant with ways to heal. I may share more here with time, but for now here is an elaboration of some tools that are incorporated into my 1:1 Soul Immersions. For the rest, reach out for a free Soul Chat to ground into what can serve you best.

Shamanic Tarot Sessions

Tarot sessions help you to look more deeply into yourself and your life to better understand what you are experiencing at the present moment mentally, physically & spiritually. We can also turn to the cards to see how to best navigate the energies that are in front of you as the cards guide by tapping into your higher wisdom that's then channeled back to you in a way that is relatable and relevant to your reality.

Tarot also offers a way to facilitate a conversation with anyone (including ourselves) or anything that we wish to connect with, as everything is a part of Spirit. The messages they bring can shed light on how we perceive our relationships, allowing us to make healthier and more aligned choices. It’s your reader’s role to be a clear, open channel to receive the messages coming through for you. With over a decade of experience, my approach is uniquely tuned into each person I read for and as a result, no single session will ever look the same as another.

A session is approx. 1.5hrs and is held online via zoom video call. We will dive into the topics or issues that are present for you. Sometimes a session will require other tools to fully tune in, such as a meditation or a shamanic practice... what is needed will show itself and it will be incorporated into our time together with your consent. Please know that every session is always given the same intention on my part— to be a safe and confidential space for inner inquiry, healing & transformation.

*Please note that I take a limited number of single sessions per month, as this tool is generally used on a more profound level of work in my 1:1 private soul immersions. However, you can always reach out by email or by booking a call to see if there is a space open for you. A single session is €222.

Get the most out of your Shamanic Tarot Session:


- Be sure to create a peaceful and comfortable space for yourself where you will not be interrupted by calls/noises/people/animals.

- Come with a soul intention— it doesn't have to be perfect (I’ll guide you through this during the session); it helps to focus and direct the flow of energy during our time together.

- Have a notebook and pen handy to write down the key messages that are important to you. There will be an audio recording sent to you afterwards but it’s still wise to write down thoughts or flashes of inspiration that might appear.

- Be open! A portal is opened with each reading and sometimes what comes through isn't exactly what we are asking about, but it is valuable to hear in that moment. Trust that everything is connected, because it is.

- Take what works for you, and leave the rest behind... or better yet, let it sit with you over the next months to see what unfolds as sometimes information needs time to become ripe in our lives and it's a truly fascinating process to behold.


Mayan Light Grids

Light Grids are the wisdom and healing language from a Mayan lineage of Curanderos, giving us a way of understanding energetic patterns that exist within us and around us, all the time. They are teachings of light expressed through colour frequencies & sacred geometry and as such, we can harness and direct this light for creating personal and collective shifts anywhere in the world.

When used with the highest intention, these shapes and colours represent a form of energetic communication, connecting to the vibrations and frequencies of that with which we wish to align ourselves. We have the possibility of making light grids that become powerful magnets for the realities we wish to call in, serving the highest good of all. These can be personal grids to support deep healing within our individual Beings, and they can also be created to heal broader topics among groups, communities, countries, even the planet as a whole. As a 3rd level initiated practitioner, I serve on all of 3 of these planes, which you can find elaborated below.

There are three different types of Light Grids that we can work with.

Each type involves a scheduled session that allows us to dive into the here & now of where you are and what you wish to manifest and/or heal. We will spend 1 hour together to elaborate on your intention, and this will be followed up with another 20 minute session to present your completed grid so that I may guide you through the energies that will be working with you. Create the life you desire with the light that is here to serve us all!


* A Personal Grid, in which we will create a new energetic pattern for your physical and spiritual light body. Tuning into each chakra and asking what it needs, we can design a new light pattern that supports your personal alignment and how you show up in the world with it.

** A Manifestation Grid, one that works with the linear timeline and calls into our presence the light energies that will support us to heal, manifest, let go, and to create a higher vibrational reality that matches what we most desire. Examples of what we can transform with this are our relationships, health, our experience of life, or the manifestation of a wish or ambition, to name a few. We work with affirmations in this type of grid and call in the appropriate colours & geometries into our physical plane to create our new reality.

*** A Soul Integration Grid, where we create on a much deeper level. These grids are made with the intention to work with the eternal now, as they manifest beyond the limitations of physical space and time. Here we can manifest on a multidimensional soul and karmic level, as well as a planetary level, bringing in transformation that happens on a far grander scale, healing patterns and wounds that are deeply ingrained individually or collectively. It is a powerhouse of a grid and it requires the readiness for great shifts.

What else is in the bag?

Meet my core online offering: Shamanic Soul Activation

~ A transformational 12 week journey of shamanic guidance and healing to awaken your heart & soul as you come home to your inherent power and sacred sovereignty. ~

This journey is for conscious seekers looking to have an immersive experience diving fully into their inner wisdom through shamanic practices & journeys and will allow you to be guided through the various healing modalities that I work with. Learn to access your own medicine and experience the freedom that comes with that. This is purely 1:1 so that the work we do together is fully dedicated to you. Would you like to know more?

Have a burning question?

You can always send an email with your questions and I’ll respond in the best way that I can.